Forward tickets to tools you already love and use
Send events for new tickets to HTTP endpoints.
Setup takes about 2 minutes

Have reports automatically arrive to your project’s Jira board.
Setup takes about 2 minutes
Step-by-step instructions available

Get notified about new issues in a Slack channel of your choice.
Setup takes about 1 minute
Step-by-step instructions available

Create data-rich Linear issues from incoming reports.
1-click integration from Shake Dashboard
Two-way sync

Seamlessly forward reports to your chosen Asana project.
1-click integration from Shake Dashboard

Automatically forward reports to ClickUp as issues.
1-click integration from Shake Dashboard

Connect Shake to thousands of tools without coding.
Setup takes about 10 minutes
Step-by-step instructions available

Forward incoming reports to your GitHub project as issues.
1-click integration from Shake Dashboard

Azure DevOps
Connect to your DevOps project and forward all reports there.
1-click integration from Shake Dashboard

Automatically create a Trello ticket each time a new Shake report arrives.
1-click integration from Shake Dashboard

Or extend the Shake Dashboard with Sentry logs on every ticket.

Our Roadmap is public! Cast
your vote to let us know which
integration should we build next.

Cameron Ehrlich
Start Engine — Principal Engineer
Shake is easy to implement and easy to customize.

Bug and crash reporting tool you’ve been looking for.

Add to app in minutes

Doesn’t affect app speed

GDPR & CCPA compliant