How to use in-app feedback to improve your app

This article is going to guide you through the steps you need to take in order to use in-app feedback to improve your app.

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10 best mobile app QA automation tools

Choosing the right mobile QA automation tools for your team doesn’t have to be a hassle—we’ll show you the ten best ones to give you a starting point.

What is QA automation in software development

In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about QA automation in software development.

App QA documentation types to know about

In this article, we explore some of the most important types of app QA documentation and how they can benefit your project.

Characteristics of a mobile app quality assurance process

This article will provide you with an overview of the five essential quality assurance characteristics.

5 important bug reporting skills every QA tester should have

If you're wondering what skills a QA tester should have, in this article, we'll reveal some of the most important ones to consider.

Main roles and responsibilities within the software QA team

In this article, we'll talk about the main roles and responsibilities of professionals in the software QA team.

Quality assurance methodologies in software testing

We’ll explore some of the most common quality assurance methodologies used by companies today.

Key objectives of mobile app software testing

This article will explore key objectives of software testing and help you increase the chances of success for your product.

How to reproduce the steps that caused an app bug

In this article, we'll teach you how to reproduce the steps that caused an app bug.

10 features a great bug reporting tool should have

We'll explore ten features that a great bug-reporting tool should have, starting from its ability to integrate with the other tools you might already be using.

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Bug and crash reporting tool you’ve been looking for.

Add to app in minutes

Doesn’t affect app speed

GDPR & CCPA compliant