How to use in-app feedback to improve your app

This article is going to guide you through the steps you need to take in order to use in-app feedback to improve your app.

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5 practical skills that great engineering managers have

This article analyzes what makes a suite of must-have skills for engineering managers. If you hone these skills, your team will be successful.

Best practices in managing successful software teams

This article covers five best practices to help you manage a software team. Understand these to provide them with the tools and support they need.

6 habits to adopt to become an effective software engineering manager

We cover six essential habits to help you become an effective software engineering manager.

7 proven tips for managing your remote software development team

This article talks about managing remote software development teams. With a little planning and patience, you can manage any remote team to its full potential.

5 ways to motivate your software developers

We give you five ways to motivate your software developers. It's important to keep them motivated because it enables them be more creative and efficient in their work.

Essential KPIs for software development every engineering leader should track

This article explores all the essential software development KPIs that help your team meet goals and write great code.

13 best productivity tools for developers to try

If the developers on your team are struggling with productivity, you should introduce them to some of these thirteen productivity tools to streamline the development process.

7 mistakes to avoid when managing software developers

This article talks about the mistakes you can make when managing developers and how to best avoid them.

5 reasons why your software engineers are quitting their jobs

We dive into the five most common reasons why your software engineers may quit their jobs.

Developer retention: how to keep your software engineers happy

This article explores steps you can take in order to keep your software engineers happy and performing well.

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