From internal bug reports to production and your customer support

Fix issues faster in your web or app – in a way smarter way.

Know exactly how and why
bugs and crashes happened.

Screen recording

Get a 30 sec video of what user did before his report or the reporting.

coworkers ping you about bugs

Attach custom data

Automatically report yourself the value of any variable or any file.

manual bug reports slow you down

All logs in one place

Just have a look at timeline of all user’s taps, network traffic and logs.

clients keep calling or texting

Crash-user relationship

Know exactly who experienced the crash and chat with them.

endless bug reports clog your inbox

Over 50+ data points collected automatically

Device model

HTTP logs

App version


User info

Steps to reproduce


OS version

Plug Shake straight into the tools you already love and use <3

Still on the fence? Maybe glance at our customer success stories

Shake is in the top 3 tools we use.

Blossom Social

Switching to Shake was a no-brainer.


Read what our other customers are saying

jacob wisebeck testimonial

Jacob Wisbeck

One Acre Fund — Dev Team Lead

Shake has really streamlined issue investigation and identification for us. The integration was simple and the features are well designed.

SDK that makes things
A-okay in your app or web.

Add to app in minutes

Doesn’t affect app speed

GDPR & CCPA compliant